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Saturday, October 19, 2013

What's Up, Buttercup?

Hi there Appleseed readers!  Megs here with a quick hello and explanation as to why the blog has been sparse in new posts a part of my frugal journey, I'm trying to shop less!  This means fewer posts about great deals (although they still happen from time to time, like the stroller deal we might blog about in a future post).  Part of learning to live frugally for me has meant finding new ways to pass the time.  It's almost embarrassing to say this, but shopping has been a hobby for me.  An expensive, bad-for-you-like-twinkies, sometimes not very helpful hobby.'s what I've been up to lately, as the weather gets colder, it becomes darker outside, and Netflix hasn't updated Doctor Who yet:

  • Reading/discovering new blogs!  I have a thing for Blissful and Domestic, but another new favorite is by the Frugal Living guide Erin Huffstetler , My Frugal Home. I love her articles on, and her blog is chock full of frugal ideas!  I also love browsing through her curbside/yard sale/flea market pictures.  
  • Reading books (and drinking tea/coffee/hot cocoa).  Our sofa is right next to the sliding glass door, and I love to sip something warm and read during the little one's naptime on weekend afternoons.  The local library is a favorite haunt of mine in Fall/winter, as I can find new books at no cost to me :)  I also love the local Goodwill for books; there are often recent bestsellers for a fraction of full retail price. 

  • Going for walks!  With the changing Fall weather and darkness coming earlier and earlier each day, we don't always get to do this, but we love to go for a stomp around the neighborhood with L in the stroller.  We usually take a little snack for her, and it's nice to get outside!
  • Baking.  This is a great time of year for extra loaves of bread, cookies, and other fun baking adventures (with or without help from Littles).  Not only is it a fun activity, but much appreciated by other members of the household and great for the budget! 
  • Doing fun self care...painting fingernails, taking a bubble bath (a capful of your favorite shampoo or body wash works great for low cost bubbles), and a face mask all are great little pick-me-ups when you are feeling down/stuck/feeling the urge to do something that might break your frugal budget (like shopping. Not that this EVER happens to me... ;)
  • Exercise!  I admit this one does cost me a bit of money but not much...once a week, I attend a small fitness class for an hour.  Not only does it get me out of the house, but does something good for my body, too.  It's a small fee weekly but reaps huge benefits across several areas of my life.  
  • Spending time with friends and family.  In the past, my mom and sister and I primarily got together to shop.  Now that we are all trying to live more frugally, we find just as much fun getting together for a cup of coffee, or to help each other coupon for groceries.
  • Entering Sweepstakes!  Sometimes, that urge to shop gets pretty strong, and a fun alternative is to enter contests/free drawings from my favorite companies.  Check out facebook pages of your favorite brands; you'd be surprised at how frequently free drawings are held.  It adds some excitement to a dreary day at times :)  Just be sure that the contest you are entering is held by a reputable company, and remember to "uncheck" the option that allows them to spam you with tons of emails or snail mailings, or you will end up with a lot of junk mail to wade through.  Another tip: if you want to enter a facebook contest but do not want to spam your friends, you can choose who can see that post before it goes up on your wall.  When the little window comes up to "share" a post, click on the little tab at the bottom that says "friends" (which is the audience  for your post).  You can adjust that to "only me" meaning no one else will see the "spammy" share post.  If the "only me" option doesn't come up right away, click "custom" and then "only me."  

    What are your favorite frugal ways to pass the time in the Fall?  Please share!


  1. Baking!! Cinnamon rolls, pie, cookies and my new favorite child sized baked scones!!

  2. Heck yes!!! I'm coming over next time you do cinnamon rolls! :D Maybe we could do a playdate/coffee date/Disney marathon :D

  3. ..and I would LOVE your scone recipe :D
