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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Thrifty Family Fun

Good day Appleseed Readers!  Today I'd like to give you a quick go-to list of free or low cost events in the Skagit and Whatcom County vicinity that you might enjoy with any little kiddos in your life.  This is beautiful country to explore, even in the middle of winter :)  

  1. Rainy day? Head to the Children's Museum!  If you are not already a member, that's okay.  At the Skagit Children's Museum free day is the second Tuesday of every month.  I wasn't able to find a community free day at the Whatcom Museum (which houses a Family Interactive Gallery-basically a children's museum) but children under age 2 are free and young children are just $4.50 each.
  2. Check your local Parks & Rec calendars! Here are the Whatcom  and   Skagit calendars.
  3. This IS Washington, right? Having another rainy day?  Check out the library!  Not only do they have story time for little kiddos, but you can check out movies as well as books.  Great way to stretch your entertainment budget!  
  4. Blanket forts are totally underrated! :)
  5. If you have young children and want to enjoy a cup of coffee with a friend, check out Perch & Play in Bellingham.  Sometimes a friend date can save your sanity!  :) For a little more than you would normally spend on just the coffee, your kiddos can play safely in a great indoor play area.
  6. Go for a bike ride or a walk on many of the beautiful local trails! Here is the Skagit trail map  and  Whatcom trail map.
  7. Wanting to get out of town? Check out Red Tricycle for great kid-friendly events in the Seattle area! 
Do you have any activity tips? Please share!


  1. For older kids you can check out the The Lynden Skateway!
